Tuesday, November 01, 2005

unconscious mutterings [my #1, luna's #143]

  1. Unbreakable:: so they say
  2. Have mercy:: you who love mercy
  3. Do it better:: a little help here
  4. Settle scores:: or open doors
  5. Comments:: welcome to my world
  6. Craziest thing:: became more sane
    when lazing in my autumn brain
  7. Apple:: Hiya Havva
  8. Halloween:: is gone now
  9. Manageable:: almost copacetic
  10. Trick:: question / treat answer

[this is a little exercise. Origin is La LunaNina; I became aware of it thanks to Lorna Dee Cervantes (whom I became aware of via Ron Silliman).]

how numerous stepping-stones
lead to an atoll
Havva : the Islamic name for Eve.
In the Islamic version, it wasn't an apple.
But in a mishra [mixed / hybrid] version, it might be.


Blogger ~Nitoo Das~ said...

Thanks for the link, d.i.
Sounds just like the thing to do on a boring wednesday afternoon.

Wed Nov 02, 01:17:00 AM PST  

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