Monday, December 12, 2005

Genealogy   [55-word story] | 24

"I'm half Cherokee," his friend had told him. The remark had a context.

John had shown up at school one day sporting a Mohawk. John was cool, as was likewise the haircut. The explanation thus might've seemed superfluous. Still, the world has many things to know. He'd not known John's genealogy.

That was 40 years ago.


Blogger david raphael israel said...

How is it (at first I ask myself) that a chap apparently interested in the American Confederacy and Southern Geneology, rhymeless & reasonless shows up at my (tres globally literate, as self-conceived), world-unknown blog?
Then I look at the title of the story-moiety. Geneology.

And this, friends, tells us something about search engines (including particularly now, blog-search).

But there's some next leap of thought that I want to make; the above seems mere launchpad. But what that leap might be, I wot not.

Instead, thought cowers in stymiedness for its while.

Dazed by amazements, telescoping itself into some generality of incomprehension.

speechless at any hour of the morning

hat-tips Johnny,

Sat Dec 31, 12:39:00 AM PST  

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