"His name" | 14
However long we look for him he hides!
if ever we fail to seek him he appears!
sometimes he seems a center without any sides
sometimes he's naught but our sea of hopes & fears
O everywhere O in everything even now
we dwell within his being breath by breath
there's no water but his across the vessel's bow
there's no life but what he lends & he gifts us death
whatever his hands deliver is rich with blessing
whatever his voice describes is sweet with news
there's no poetry in any world that's not expressing
how perfectly green are his greens & blue his blues
if I speak any word it's because his thought first framed it
if I name any name his name is the name that named it
if ever we fail to seek him he appears!
sometimes he seems a center without any sides
sometimes he's naught but our sea of hopes & fears
O everywhere O in everything even now
we dwell within his being breath by breath
there's no water but his across the vessel's bow
there's no life but what he lends & he gifts us death
whatever his hands deliver is rich with blessing
whatever his voice describes is sweet with news
there's no poetry in any world that's not expressing
how perfectly green are his greens & blue his blues
if I speak any word it's because his thought first framed it
if I name any name his name is the name that named it
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