"Whom should I dial?" | 1 [villanelle]

Whom should I dial if you were my phone?
Jesus & Mary Buddha & Shyam?
let me now wait for the dial tone!
Should I speak smartly or haltingly moan?
will you connect me directly to Raam?
who could I dial if you were my phone?
All the world's crazy! (grimace & groan)
tomorrow Iran yesterday Vietnam?
everyone waits for the dial tone
Loveseed of word in receiver I've sown
(nestle in earlobe don't squander on palm)
whom would I dial if you were my phone?
Where's the ventriloquist? (voices are thrown!)
in high Himalayas? or stationed on Guam?
always I wait for the dial tone!
In a nanotech age each device or its clone
might ghost as its double or drop a smart bomb
whom should we dial if you were our phone?
let us now wait for the dial tone!
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