Saturday, July 01, 2006

"Hemingway's Kabala"         | 5   [Ardeo pangram]

Always doing good, just making peace, seasons vanish
but everything harbors kindness. Negative qualities tax wattage
conferring friction in lieu of reasonable usage, XYZ

Alaskan dodos grieve, jurists mangle poems. Somebody valiantly
bought every Hungarian knickknacik, not questioning the wisdom
conventionally found in lots of redundant utensils, XYZ

Anybody doing Gitmo? Jellybellies make pretty sombreros. Ventriloquists
became essential, having knocked (not quotably) the walls
continuously flaming in LA. Oftentimes, rednecks ululate, XYZ

Anguish doesn't give jealousy much pathetic significance. Venetian
bellydancers, ever heartless, knight-noise-questioning, told WSJ
comedians facts, indeed legends. Obliviousness reduces umbrage, XYZ

Acrimony's deciduous gameplan: just make people seem very
blasé. Ernest Hemingway's Kabala notwithstanding, quinoa toast wasn't
contaminated. Feeling in luck? Order readymade Überseele, XYZ

Ardeo doesn't get just maudlin. Prithee seek visionary
beauty, even hazarding knockouts. Nobody questions the waitress
community's fundamental intuition. Let's organize realism's undoing, XYZ

[Pattern 2]


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