Sunday, January 08, 2006

"Scribbling's vigor"             [sonnet]

[ alternative title: Question from the Caboose ]

Three dozen sonnets in a list stacked up
a roster showing something of the scale
of scribbling's vigor   what have I wracked up?
a rap sheet of infractions?   even a snail

persistently goes somewhere   late September
the lazy first of these   vaguely appeared
two dozen were dashed out   in late December
(fourteen in but one day)   it could be feared

verbosity amouts to thought's dilution
yet must that be inevitably the case?
Niagra Falls & teacups!   each solution
proves suited to a given time & place

    but whether a lakh of words or three   what use?
    where goes the train?   he asks from the caboose

a lakh (Hindi): 100,000

Written on occasion of having assembled a hypertexted roster of all sonnets appearing to date on this blog. (As the curious blog reader might note, the sonnet is simply a form I've taken up now & again; other forms (such as ghazal & villanelle) are likewise prevalent in my recent practice. Too, I'd written a few sonnets in that period that didn't get blogged, far as that goes. The poem, anyway, amounts to a small step back and a brief (mildly worrisome?) gaze out the train window, as it were.)


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